Tag Archives: Mississauga Divorce Lawyers

So You Are Separating or Divorcing. What About Your Beloved Pet?
The end of a cohabiting relationship is always challenging. By its nature, it means that the people going through it will have to figure out how to divide their bank accounts, debt, homes, furniture, and the many other things they acquired concurrently, including any children they share. But many Canadians will also have to… Read More »

How is Spousal Support Determined?
Spousal support is one of the most important aspects of a divorce. It is a type of payment that is made by the higher income spouse to the lower income spouse to assist them to become self-sufficient. Spousal support may be paid after the separation and in the case of married spouses after divorce. … Read More »

How is Debt Handled in a Divorce?
Debt is a problem that millions of people deal with each year throughout the world. Credit cards make it too easy for people to spend money that they don’t yet have, which is one of the most common ways people build up debt. Another common way debt accrues is from major purchases people cannot… Read More »

Warning Signs That Divorce Could be on the Horizon
Did you know that there are signs you can be on the lookout for regarding divorce? It’s not hard to notice that your marriage isn’t as strong as it once was. Whether you come to the realization on your own or your spouse starts hinting at divorce, you need to be on the lookout… Read More »

What to Consider Before Filing for a Divorce
So, you or your spouse have decided to file for divorce. At the beginning of your life together, you believed your relationship would last forever. Farther down the road, the conclusion was made that the union would have to come to an end. Between then and now, there were heated arguments among the emotional… Read More »