Category Archives: Divorce

Why Is January Peak Season for Divorce?
Your feelings about winter say a lot about your current life circumstances. For some people, cocooning sounds like a dream come true. You can cuddle your new baby and take things slowly during the brief moments when your baby is quiet and you have the energy to do anything productive. There is not much… Read More »

Is Gratitude the Magic Ingredient in Coping With Divorce?
When you are recently divorced, or when your divorce is pending, it is easy to feel like none of the things you depended on for stability or your sense of self are still there. Your savings have vanished, and while your children are legally obligated to spend certain days of the year with you… Read More »

Relying on Your Family of Origin After Divorce Isn’t Just About Money
It is hard to look on the bright side about divorce, but a decade or so after your divorce becomes final, you might be able to look back and see how your divorce brought you closer to your parents and siblings. Once you were no longer a family unit with your ex-spouse, you might… Read More »

Looking on the Bright Side About Divorce and Finances
Many divorced people now think of their divorce as something to celebrate, even if they were originally devastated when their spouses announced their intention to divorce. Some people even celebrate the anniversary of their divorce, and newly divorced people sometimes have divorce parties to celebrate being single again. It is hard to see the… Read More »

Ontario Simple Divorce Laws
Wouldn’t everyone whose marriage has broken up love to get a simple divorce? It is easy to find advice about how to make your divorce less messy. Some people will tell you to put aside your people-pleasing tendencies and fight for what you want in your divorce, because if you don’t, you will be… Read More »

Legal Separation in Ontario
When the person sitting across the table from you in the revolving restaurant atop the CN Tower on your first date describes himself as “separated but not divorced,” you should make a beeline for the elevator and spend the long, lonely elevator ride to the street level thanking your lucky stars that you did… Read More »

Selling the Marital Home in Divorce
Divorce means getting used to a lot of changes, only some of which are welcome. For example, returning to the workforce after divorce can help you rediscover an extraverted side of yourself that you had forgotten existed. Spending the holidays with your siblings and your children after divorce can be as much fun as… Read More »

Family Mediation – Is It Right For Me?
Going to trial in your divorce case is as ugly as it sounds, but working out all of the details of your divorce with your spouse and then walking into the courthouse together to finalize your divorce as the best of friends is an unattainable ideal. There must be some middle ground, and for… Read More »

Your Divorce Anniversary Can Be a Time for Celebration or Self-Care
Divorce lawyers and divorced friends may try to encourage you and cheer you up by telling you that the hardest part of divorce is while your case is pending, that it all gets easier once the court formally dissolves your marriage. They are correct to some extent, and for the months following your divorce… Read More »

Do Canadian Provinces Have Their Own Divorce Laws?
Canada’s provincial system may seem similar to the United States geographically, but it is markedly different from a legislative point of view. Divorce in Canada is determined by a mixture of federal and provincial laws that can be confusing to many spouses. When approaching divorce in Canada, it’s important to understand which specific federal… Read More »