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Looking on the Bright Side About Divorce and Finances


Many divorced people now think of their divorce as something to celebrate, even if they were originally devastated when their spouses announced their intention to divorce.  Some people even celebrate the anniversary of their divorce, and newly divorced people sometimes have divorce parties to celebrate being single again.  It is hard to see the bright side of some aspects of divorce, though.  Some divorced couples have an easier time co-parenting than others, but hardly anyone would argue that co-parenting after divorce is easier than raising a family all in one household, not that raising a family is ever easy.  Money is another area where divorce seems like a losing scenario for all parties involved, but this, too, depends on your attitude.  It is difficult in the beginning, but divorce can give you a new financial freedom, even if it is not one you can easily measure in dollars and cents.  To get a hopeful but realistic picture of how your life will be after divorce, contact a Mississauga family lawyer.

You Don’t Have to Justify Every Swipe of the Credit Card to Your Ex

Fighting over money might have been an everyday occurrence during your marriage, but once you are divorced, your purchases are your decision alone.  Whether to charge something on a credit card or pay for it with what little money is currently in your account is not your ex’s business.  Somehow it hurts less when creditors grumble about how you borrow so much and repay so little than when your ex used to complain about it.

Your Ex’s Impulse Purchases After Divorce Are Not Your Responsibility

Perhaps during your marriage, you were the miser and your ex was the shopaholic.  This problem can follow you around after divorce, but only for a while.  The court divides marital debts, just as it divides marital assets.  This means that the court could hold you responsible for some of the debt you incurred during your marriage, even if your ex is the one who chose to borrow or who made it impossible for you to pay more than the minimum monthly payments.  Once your divorce is final, it might take you a while to pay off the debt, but once you do, your ex cannot replace it with new debts.

The Family Court Has Your Back When It Comes to Child Support

Couples who do not have children together may be able to disentangle from each other financially when they divorce, but if you and your ex have minor children, your financial partnership lasts until your youngest child reaches adulthood.  The good news is that the court will calculate child support for you.  You can also petition the court to enforce the child support order if your ex falls behind on payments or modify the child support order if the amount is more than you can pay.

Contact Zagazeta Garcia LLP About Rebuilding Your Finances After Divorce

A family law attorney can help you make peace with marital debts and child support obligations.  Contact Zagazeta Garcia LLP in Mississauga, Ontario to discuss your case.



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