Ensuring Child Custody Exchanges are Safe

The exchange of child custody can be a stressful situation for all involved. It goes without saying that your children should be the focus of the exchange and not anything to do with your relationship or divorce. That’s why a family law court will always put the interest of the child first when making a decision about child custody agreements and other rulings. Here are some important tips for ensuring that the exchange of child custody is safe for all those involved.
Pick a Neutral Location
A neutral location is one of the best ways to ensure that a child custody exchange is safe for all. Why should it be neutral? If you exchange custody at your house or your former spouse’s house it could lead to very uncomfortable situations. The person whose house it is will be able to control the conversation and even come across as dominant because they are in their comfort zone.
When you pick a neutral location, both of you will be able to relax and focus on the children. Some of the best picks for a neutral location include a safe exchange zone at a police station, a firehouse parking lot, a public library or even your child’s school when in the middle of the school year.
Ask a Third Party to Attend
Another good idea is to ask a third party to attend the child custody exchange. This third party should be someone who is not a friend or family member of either one of you. Instead, the person should be neutral just like the exchange location. If school is in session you could ask your child’s teacher or a school administrator to take part in the exchange.
Stick to a Schedule
Once you and the other parent agree to a schedule you need to stick to it. This will make the exchange easy for all. Both parents know when the exchange is to take place and where. When there are no surprises or changes each time an exchange is supposed to occur it can make the situation comfortable for you, the other parent, and the children. If for some reason you are going to be late, make sure you let the other parent know immediately so as not to cause any problems.
Opt for a No-Contact Exchange
Consider opting for a no-contact exchange of your children when you have a custody agreement in place. What is a no-contact exchange? This is when you and the other parent do not see each other during the exchange. The best way this can be done is during the school year. One parent drops the child off at school in the morning while the other parent picks the child up at the end of the day. This helps the two of you avoid seeing each other and having to interact. This can ensure that the two of you do not fight or cause other issues with each other.
Child custody issues can be very stressful for everyone, especially the children. Do you have questions about custody or your agreement? Contact the team at Zagazeta Garcia LLP in Mississauga today to discuss your situation.